Friday, October 8, 2010

Billy Graham

Dr.Stephen Pirris
Big day coming up Thursday, October 14th. I’m heading back to Mayo Hospital for another spine job. Unlike a boob job or any other kind of “job”, this go-round will be even more challenging than my last experience in February. From T-9 to S-1, my surgeon, Dr. Pirris from Pittsburgh is going to shore up my ailing lower spine with more rods, screws, bone and glue. The glue really beats those staples any day. SOOOOOOOOOOOO, this weekend I am headed out of town for a day trip with my buds Joyce, Shirley and Mary Jo for a mind diversion and special day with my friends. We are headed to Bunnell, FL to enjoy looking at fabric and having a special lunch before I head for that drug induced hell of hospital germs and such. I can’t say I am looking forward to being served breakfast in bed since “Diners-Drive-Ins and Dives” WOULD NEVER do a show on Mayo Clinic cuisine. I WANT THE SAME FOOD THEY SERVED REV. BILLY GRAHAM when he was a patient there. Trust me when I tell you, they didn’t feed him what they fed me...At least, I hope not. It sounds so tasty on the extensive menu I get to order from each day, but GGAAAADDDDDDDDD it’s some kinda bad.

 It was probably his "birthday" every day at no extra charge.
From the Mayo Website:
"Gourmet Menu"
"We are happy to help you celebrate a birthday, anniversary or other occasion with a special meal. The gourmet menu offers lobster tail, filet mignon and other delicacies. Modifications can be made to accommodate special diet limitations. There is an additional charge for this service."

You can think of me, but don’t worry about me. I’ll be
under the watchful eyes of  Lon and Andy and the rest of my great family and maybe even some big hunky Physical Therapy guys if I’m lucky. This go-round may end up with a post-vacation stay at Spa Brooks, but if it does, there will be more hunky PT guys there. I’m hoping to lose some pounds and gain some height (maybe two to three inches) which will improve my pathetic BMI. Here’s the formula I am counting on adding height to:

You can figure out your BMI (Body Mass Index) with this formula:
(Weight in pounds) divided by [(height in inches) x (height in inches)] x 703
Once you've determined your BMI, use the following chart to determine where you fit in:

Below 18.5: Underweight  (not likely)
18.5 - 24.9: Normal (never)
25 - 29.9: Overweight (oh yeah..we're getting there)
30 and above: Obese

I think we all know where I fall without getting out the calculator.

So wish me luck again and know I remain optimistic and as always, that this too shall pass and add another adventure to my already too good to deserve life. I‘ll have some really great x-ray pix after this one!

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